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Category: Security

Understanding Operating System Security: A Comparative Analysis of Linux, Windows, and macOS

Understanding Operating System Security: A Comparative Analysis of Linux, Windows, and macOS

In today’s digital landscape, operating systems (OS) play a pivotal role in safeguarding data and systems from malicious threats. Among the prominent ones (Linux, Windows, and macOS) each offers unique security features tailored to different user needs. This blog delves into comparing their security aspects to help you make informed decisions about your OS choice. The Importance of OS Security Security is paramount in protecting sensitive data, ensuring system integrity, and maintaining user trust. Each OS has its strengths and…

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Tricks using Cloud #2: Secure SSH connection to on-premise servers

Tricks using Cloud #2: Secure SSH connection to on-premise servers

In this episode, we learn how to secure connections to own on-prem servers using cloud tools like AWS Systems Manager. We’re talking about SSH and RDP connections, that are two protocols used for connecting to Linux or Windows O.S. These protocols can be easily attacked and someone with bad intentions can connect to your environments and – for example – encrypt your files and ask for ransom in bitcoin. Most secure action is to deny definitely from corporate network or…

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How can you make the cloud secure?

How can you make the cloud secure?

Nowadays, cloud computing has become an integral part of business operations, but with these benefits, comes the critical need for robust security measures. By ignoring them, have impact also in our private life. Most of us have own vacations photos or any other photos as backup in the cloud, and thinking that these could be hacked, it drives us crazy. Fortunately, the shared responsibility model ensures that both cloud service providers (CSPs) and customers work together to maintain a secure…

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Lidl Cloud: a new player in Europe

Lidl Cloud: a new player in Europe

In a surprising move, Schwarz Group, the German conglomerate that owns the Lidl supermarket chain, has entered the cloud computing sector. This step, which might seem unexpected to many, represents a significant leap for Europe in creating a local alternative to American giants like AWS and Azure and Google. Lidl has developed a cloud platform offering cloud computing services, cybersecurity, and artificial intelligence. Initially created to manage the sensitive data of Lidl and Kaufland stores, this platform has caught the…

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